Protect your property on time
Subject-matter insured:
- Occupied buildings (houses and apartments) including fixtures and fittings
- Household contents
If specially agreed, the insurance cover may include bathroom fixtures, auxiliary buildings and contents, common parts of buildings, artistic items.
Covered risks:
- Fire, lightning, storm, hail, explosion
- Falling aircraft onto a facility, manifestations and demonstrations
- Impact of own motor vehicle into the insured facility
- Water damage
- Burglary and robbery
- Glass breakage and bursting installation
Additional risks that may be agreed include earthquake, flood and torrent, unexpected risks (snow pressure, falling tree, smoke, wantonness and vandalism, atmospheric waters), general liability and accident of household members.
Insurance of unoccupied apartments and family houses for rest and leisure
We find shelter from the swarming city streets and everyday stressful life in our weekend houses. Take out insurance for your houses for rest and leisure, unoccupied family houses and apartments or movable property they contain against fire, lightning strike, explosion, storm, hail, flood and torrent, water damage, burglary and robbery, theft and other risks.
In addition to the standard, you may also insure against the additional perils of earthquake, landslide and landslip, leakage, bursting installation etc.
Stay calm and free of worries when your houses and apartments are unoccupied.
Insurance of mobile telephones
If you are buying new mobile telephone at mts outlets, make a smart choice – insure your device.
Covered risks:
- Physical damage
- Damage caused by liquids
- Burglary and robbery
- Unauthorised use of a device
Important questions
What does the Home Guard premium depend on?
The premium amount depends on the value of your property, area of the residential building and the selected cover package. Depending on your requirements, you may arrange for the package that suits you best while paying monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
Which particular services provide the insurance of my house and apartment or their contents?
The Home Guard package is a combination of carefully selected coverages tailored to the needs of a large number of insured clients. In addition to this package, our proposal covers other services for insuring your house and apartment, like the insurance of household contents and appliances, with somewhat different cover scope. You might decide to arrange only the cover against fire and allied perils or glass breakage, burglary and robbery or another type of insurance that suits your needs and wishes.
Can I arrange insurance for household appliances and devices?
Supplementary to the household contents insurance, you may arrange the cover for household appliances and devices against the operating accident and/or events occurring suddenly and unexpectedly with regard to the use of the item insured.
Can I arrange insurance for artistic items and valuables?
Property insurance usually includes coverage for artistic items and valuables. The sum insured is determined by agreement between the Insurer and the Policyholder. For subject matter insured of greater artistic or historical value, we always ask for the opinion of the curator or another party qualified for particular types of assessment based on the art market condition.
Which insurance do I need when taking the housing loan?
The insurance model of housing loans is determined by banks. A property insurance policy is the most common loan security instrument and its arrangement is one of the preconditions for being granted a loan. Banks standard requirement is to protect the assets that are the subject of the loan against the mandatory risks of fire and often against various additional risks. In addition to the most frequently requested insurance against fire and allied perils, our proposal includes other services that can meet the specific bank requirements.
What is indemnified in case of loss?
In case of a destruction or missing items, the indemnity is established according to the value of the insured object at the moment of insured occurrence less the residual value, if any. In case of damage, the repair expenses of the insured item are indemnified and the indemnity is reduced by the residual value of the insured item and the established percentage of depreciation, unless, under the particular insurance terms and conditions, the premium loading is agreed for the redemption of depreciated value. In addition to the mentioned, the debris removal expenses are reimbursed as have been incurred in relation with the insured occurrence and / or other fees according to the agreed insurance terms and conditions.
How to arrange insurance cover for my mobile telephone?
When buying a new telephone in an mts branch or via a sales manager, choose a post-paid tariff that suits you best and arrange the insurance cover. The premium is payable monthly, along with the mts services invoice.
How and where do I file a claim under the insurance of mobile telephones?
Notify us of the loss event within 3 days, from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. By a free call to the number 0800 130 147, or by sending an email to telekom.rs@allianz-assistance.at or at the mts points of sale. Take an insured device to the nearest point of sale, complete the claim notification form and pay the deductible if the damage is covered by insurance. In shortest time possible, you will be notified of the time when to go and take over your device at the mts point of sale.
You should make sure that your family is not left with the burden of debts, unpaid loan instalments, tuition expenses! Accidents cannot be foreseen or prevented, but their unwanted financial consequences may be alleviated.
Support in treatment of specific illnesses
The costs of treatment can be extremely high and can become a real challenge for an already strained family budget. Take out insurance of persons against critical illnesses and surgical interventions …
When you are out on the water in your ship, yacht, boat or other vessel, there are two most important things – first, be safe and second, be responsible to others. Make sure you have timely arranged your insurance cover and embark…