Bridge over damages and secure uninterrupted business
The subject of insurance may comprise various facilities and other immovable property, facilities of industrial and craft organizations, farming facilities, roads, furniture, machinery, apparatuses, devices, inventory, cash and the like. They are insured against the standard risks (fire, lightning, explosion, storm, hail etc.) as well as against a number of additional risks depending on your needs.
If you have contracted the insurance of property against fire, you may also arrange the insurance against business interruption due to occurrences that are covered under the insurance.
Insurance of property against burglary and robbery
The subject of insurance may comprise furniture, appliances, machinery and inventory, works of art, books, various collections and valuable items, cash in various depositories, in exchange offices, banks, cash in transit, but also valuables, bonds, cheques, shares and the like. The insurance cover is provided against the actual or attempted burglary and robbery as well as against the consequences of wantonness and vandalism in committing burglary.
Glass breakage insurance
This insurance provides for coverage against damage to or destruction of subject of insurance (all types of glass and mirrors, marble and artificial stone slabs, sanitary appliances, street mirrors, monuments made of stone, concrete and metal, billboards, neon and LED neon tubes, glittering inscriptions and advertisements) due to the occurrence of any peril.
Machinery breakdown and allied perils insurance
This insurance provides coverage against damage to or destruction of machinery, mechanical equipment, apparatuses, installations, overhead transmission lines, cable lines, pipelines, oil, gas and heating pipelines, installation of central heating and air conditioning, elevators, computers, etc. due to an unforeseen and sudden adverse event as well as due to unhandiness, negligence and malicious intent of workers or third parties.
Supplementary to machinery breakdown insurance, it is possible to conclude the business interruption insurance due to machinery breakdown as well as insurance of stocks in production against any loss occurring from damage to or destruction of production equipment out of an operating accident.
Insurance of electronic computers, processors and similar devices
The subject of insurance comprises electronic computers and similar devices, supporting machinery, air-conditioning and energy devices and installations. They are insured against the risks of fire, water and steam damage, machinery breakdown, burglary and robbery etc. If specially agreed, the subject of insurance may include the material value of external data carrier, value of data on data carriers and rental expenses for the replacement computer.
Insurance of movable devices, apparatuses, instruments and computer equipment
The subject of insurance comprises electronic computers and similar devices, supporting machinery, air-conditioning and energy devices and installations. They are insured against the risks of fire, water and steam damage, machinery breakdown, burglary and robbery etc. If specially agreed, the subject of insurance may include the material value of external data carrier, value of data on data carriers and rental expenses for the replacement computer.
Goods in cold storages
Goods for sale and goods in process stored in cold storages may be insured against the standard risks (consequential damages due to failure of cooling device and installation, fire, lightning, explosion, storm, impact of own motor vehicle and own mobile work machine into the insured facility, hail, falling aircraft, manifestations and demonstrations, burglary) and a number of additional risk according to your needs.
Builders risk insurance and/or erection insurance
Builders risk insurance and erection insurance may be concluded for all types of construction /erection facilities and structures and for their reconstructions, alterations, additions and reparations. This insurance provides a comprehensive coverage since, in addition to the direct loss to works, it is possible to cover the third party liability of a contractor.
Business bonus packages
We developed Business Bonus packages for the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs. These packages provide comprehensive insurance cover through a mandatory standard package, which includes fire and allied perils, burglary and robbery, glass breakage, employee accident insurance, as well as through facultative coverages specific for your business activity and, last but not least, thorugh the bonus coverages.
From our range of packages, we recommend the following:
- Trade Package
- Package for Production and Crafts
- Package for Hospitality
- Package for Beauty and Care Services
- Package for Service Industries – Bureaus, Offices and Agencies
Depending on the scope of work and the needs of your business, the Dunav Insurance Company may offer a wide range of other services providing various types of insurance coverages and risks.
Important questions
What does the premium amount depend on?
The premium amount depends on the sum insured, method of contracting, insurance period, scope and width of cover and/or other elements that concern the risk in a particular line of insurance.
What is the agreed sum insured?
The insurance is agreed to the sum insured that is the value of the item insured. Sum insured is at the same time the maximum amount payable in the event of a risk occurrence. In the event of destruction or damage to items, the indemnity level is established according to the value of item insured at the time of insured occurrence, reduced by the salvage value, if any, and in the event of damage – the indemnity equals the amount of repair expenses reduced by the estimated wear and tear (unless otherwise agreed) and the salvage value.
What types of property insurance are available?
Apart from the mentioned, Dunav Insurance Company proposes the insurance of property that covers many risks and that you can arrange depending on your needs, such as insurance of sports, art and similar events against precipitation, insurance of exhibitors at fairs, all risk property insurance, insurance of electric power organizations, mines and other large business entities, as well as insurance of extended warranty etc.
Can I insure solar panels and other renewable energy sources?
Yes, our Company provides insurance for various types of renewable energy sources (mini-hydro power plants, wind farms, solar panels, etc.) against the risks for which the Policyholder is interested, both during the construction and use (fire risks, machine breakdown, etc.).
Voluntary health insurance
Health care has become one of the most important challenges we live with. Take out a voluntary health insurance policy and provide yourself or your employees with fast medical care.
Liability insurance
Liability insurance covers the civic legal liability of the insured for damages occurred due to death, bodily injury or health impairment as well as damage to or destruction of third party belongings. You can arrange a liability insurance …
Goods in transit
Goods in transit are prone to damages. We always worry about the safe arrival of our goods to the final destination. Dunav Insurance Company is a reliable partner to the owners of goods, freight forwarders and carriers in road, rail, air…