Prevent the problem from happening!
Whole life insurance covers only the death risk of one person, where the agreed sum insured is paid to the beneficiary or beneficiaries indicated in the policy.
Lifelong mutual insurance covers only the death risk of the insured persons, where two persons with common interest are covered by one policy (spouses, family members, business partners…). If one insured person dies during the insurance period, the sum insured is paid out to the surviving insured. If both insured persons die at the same time, the sum insured is paid out to the beneficiary or beneficiaries indicated in the policy, or to the legal heirs of the policyholder if the beneficiary is not defined.
In addition to standard insurance, there is an option to conclude the insurance coverage that will protect you against additional risks – accident insurance.
My term life and My term life togehter
Term life insurance enables you to contract high sum insured and pay low premium amounts:
- insurance covers only the death risk of one insured person during the agreed insurance period;
- mutual life insurance that covers only the death risk of the insured during the agreed insurance period;
- two persons who share common interests are covered by one policy (spouses, family members, business partners…);
- when one insured person dies during the insurance period, the sum insured is paid out to the surviving insured;
- if both insured persons die at the same time, the sum insured is paid out to the beneficiary or beneficiaries indicated in the policy, or to the legal heirs of the policyholder if the beneficiary is not defined.
In addition to standard insurance, there is an option to conclude the insurance cover that will protect you against additional risks – accident insurance.
My loan +
This service is intended for the persons who are in the process of bank loan repayment and seriously and responsibly consider any adverse financial consequences that may befall their families because of an unwanted event. In the event of borrower’s death, the unpaid loan amount will be fully settled and the family will not inherit the debt and be left unprotected.
Group term life
Any success of a company is strongly dependant on employees. Wise employers know how important employee satisfaction is and take care of employees and their families.
Employees’ group term life insurance is intended for those employers who take the families of their employees seriously and responsibly and think of adverse material consequences that a family may suffer in the event of an employee’s death.
This insurance does not contain the element of savings and therefore enables high sums insured with very favourable premiums.
In addition to standard insurance, it is possible to take out Group Workmen’s Compensation Insurance (accident).
Supplementary accident insurance
This insurance may be contracted only upon taking out a standard life cover.
Covered risks are accidental death and permanent disability due to accident.
Additional risks that may be contracted are death of the insured due to a traffic accident; bone fracture as a result of an accident; surgical intervention as a result of an accident; stay at hospital for the purpose of treatment of the insured as a result of an accident (daily allowance for stay at hospital).
Important questions
Who can take out „Whole Life“ and „Whole Life Together“ policy?
This insurance covers the persons from 15 to 80 years of age.
Who can take out „My Term Life“ and „My Term Life Together“ policy?
This insurance covers the persons from 15 to 74 years of age, however, the insurance expiry may not occur after the calendar year in which the insured turns 75.
Who can take out „My Loan +“ policy?
This insurance covers persons aged 15 through 74, however, the total sum of insured’s age at entry and years of insurance period (loan repayment period) may not exceed 75.
What is the insurance period?
- „Whole Life“ and „Whole Life Together“ are lifetime coverages;
- „My Term Life“ and „My Term Life Together“ are valid for the period of 1 to 25 years;
- „My Loan +“ is valid for the term of loan repayment, however, such term may not be shorter than one year or longer than 30 years;
- „Group Term Life“ is valid for the period of one year.
Premium payment?
The amount of premium is determined by you, in accordance with your financial means and future plans. Premium is payable in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual instalments. For MY LOAN + service, premium is payable monthly or annually. Premium is contracted in Dinars or foreign currency, depending on the currency in which the loan was granted.
Is there anything else that I need to know about „My Loan +“ insurance?
The amount of the sum insured in the first year of insurance corresponds to the granted loan amount and decreases in subsequent years according to the loan repayment schedule. The policyholder may pledge this life insurance policy in the bank that grants the loan.
Covered risks for „Group Term Life“?
Death of the insured during the insurance period also includes death due to illness and death due to accident (accidental death). This insurance is valid 24 hours a day, everywhere and any place, not only a workplace.
Is there anything else that I need to know about „Group Term Life“?
Policyholder is a legal entity (employer or a trade union).
This insurance covers all employees regardless of their health, age, and general working capacity. Coverage relates to all persons employed by the policyholder, and may also include the persons who, with the Policyholder, concluded a temporary service agreement outside employment, as well as the members of trade union. The amount of the sum insured is determined based on the average age at entry of all insured persons at the inception date of insurance, and is equal for all insureds.
Is there anything else that I need to know about supplementary accident insurance?
The validity of this insurance my not be longer than the validity of the standard life cover to which it is attached. Supplementary insurance may also be agreed during life insurance period and cease to be valid before the expiry of life cover. Upon expiry/cancellation/capitalisation or surrender of life insurance, supplementary accident (rider) terminates. For each risk, insurance protection is separately contracted and premium is separately calculated.
In the event of accidental death of the insured person, payment of the respective sums insured is effected for death risk under standard insurance and for death risk under supplementary insurance.
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