This unique service on the Serbian insurance market is a result of business cooperation between Dunav Insurance Company, world’s renowned reinsurer Swiss RE, and the company VanderSat BV Netherlands, a global provider of commercial satellite data using microwave sensing to measure soil moisture, surface temperatures, and vegetation.

Earn profit despite the drought
What do You need to know about this type of insurance?
- Covered risk is accumulated soil moisture deficit during the insurance period.
- Amount of insurance indemnity is determined based on the agreed model, phase, and level of soil moisture deficit (drought).
- The “place” category shall be deemed a basic territorial unit for which we do the measurement and set up the index level for the lack of soil moisture.
- The right to insurance indemnity arises when the accumulated daily soil moisture deficit relative to the long-term average is equal to, or above the agreed index limit.
- Depending on the level of index value deviation above the agreed limit, the soil moisture deficit layer is established for each phase, together with the amount of indemnity as the share of the sum insured.
- Total indemnity amount for the entire insurance period is the sum of shares of the sum insured established in both phases of the soil moisture deficit measurement.
Important questions
When can drought insurance be concluded?
Insurance may be concluded not later than until 1 June of the current year, for the fixed insurance period from 15 June to 14 August (both days inclusive).
How do we set up the value at which an agricultural good is insured?
The maximum sum insured for the cultivated land under corn, soybeans and sugar beet amounts to EUR 2000 per hectare. There are three models of contracting – with a maximum payment of up to 24%, with a maximum payment of up to 40% and with a maximum payment of up to 60% of the contracted sum insured.
How is soil moisture deficit determined?
Soil moisture deficit measurements are taken in two phases, from 15 June to 14 July (Phase 1), and from 15 July to 14 August (Phase 2). Soil moisture deficit data provided and calculated by the data provider and the calculation agent VanderSat Bv, Netherlands are the exclusive and only basis for determining the insurance indemnity.
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