Take out insurance for your farm animals
The subject of insurance may be all types and categories of hoofs, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, turkeys, guinea fowls, peacocks, pheasants, ducks, geese, dogs, trouts, minks, bees, and exotic animals in zoos.
Covered risks
Standard risks:
- death of an insured animal due to illness or accident
- forced slaughter of the insured animal due to illness or accident when there is an imminent risk that the animal will perish (emergency killing)
- forced slaughter or killing of an animal when due to illness or accident it has become unusable for any purpose and it is not likely that any treatment would change such condition (forced slaughter for economic reasons).
Additional risks:
- loss of calf or colt on delivery, loss of breeding capacity of heifers, cows, and male breeding animals, dog theft.
Important questions
How is the amount of premium determined?
The amount of premium i.e. the price of insurance is determined after the survey performed by a professional appointed by Dunav Insurance and depends on the conditions of keeping, care, and nutrition of animals as well as on the result achieved in the previous insurance period. The premium with tax for one breeding cow kept under optimal conditions, with the market value of 120.000 RSD, and one-year insurance period, amounts to 8.505 RSD.
How is the insured value for animals determined?
The value of a head of cattle (which is an upper limit for determining the sum insured) is a market value of the head at the moment of contract conclusion, and it cannot exceed the actual value of the head. Young animals are insured to the value they will reach by the end of insurance period. For certain animal types and categories, the insurer can limit the sum insured.
How is the insurance premium paid?
The insurer and the insured or the policyholder agree on the method of premium payment at the moment of insurance contract conclusion, and the policyholder, depending on the agreed payment method, may become entitled to discount on these grounds.
Are there any exclusions from insurance?
Subject matter of insurance cannot be any ill animals or animals suspected of being ill, as well as losses resulting from irregular and poor diet, poor housing conditions, untimely treatment of ill animals, surgical interventions and treatments performed by laymen, as well as earthquake, nuclear explosion, theft or loss of animal, etc. Risks not included in the insurance are specified in Article 22 of the General Terms and Conditions for Animal Insurance.
What are rights and obligations of the insured?
In case of an occurrence of the loss event, the insured has the right to indemnity. When an insured event occurs, the owner is obliged to take appropriate measures, both for the purpose of treatment and potential maximum use of salvaged slaughtering offals in case of death / forced slaughter. Forced slaughter for economic purposes is done only based on the written consent of the insurer’s veterinarian. The insured is obliged to enable the insurer to carry out regular controls and inspections. In case the insured head of cattle gets ill or in case of an occurrence of the loss event, insured’s obligations are set forth in Article 27 of the Animal Insurance General Terms and Conditions.
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