Today, corporate and social responsibility is a widely-used term. CSR has become a science; a subject of scientific and university studies. However, Dunav Insurance sees it as a true need and confirmation of our commitment to stand behind true and proven values. With our kindness and love, we hope to give back to the community at least a part of what it has given to us in all these decades of our growth into a successful company and the pillar of insurance in Serbia. Thus, we support talented, successful youth in the area of sport, science, art, or any other sphere of social life.

Where the danube is the widest...
A true friend is a responsible friend
Being successful, leadership-oriented, in one word – the best, has always been and still is the goal of our Company but also the only place where we feel comfortable, as it only comes natural. Nevertheless, we have learned that leadership is being responsible to society and to the individuals, the nature and other particles of our wonderful world. We have learned that true leadership can come only through a noble mind and a generous heart. That is why we tirelessly strive to reach a position of being and remaining a true friend to everyone in need.
“Childhood Friend” Project
Dunav Insurance Company has always looked for the opportunities to become a partner in the projects designed for the youngest. Aare that the true corporate action requires gaining trust of a child, we have paved the way towards the true mutual trust ith our clients, launching the “Childhood Friend” Project to testify how committed we are to the children, their needs and attitudes to the world, organizing a series of manifestations of love and support.